World Earth Day 2018

Maja Budinski Date 20-Apr-2018 4 minutes to read

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    We are witnesses of seismic changes in the lifestyle we live which have been mainly caused by the digital revolution and incredible advances in human knowledge over the last century. And, as expected, such changes triggered a domino effect - the way we live and the technology we use has a massive impact on the environment that surrounds us. Unfortunately, what most of us seem to forget is how precious the planet Earth is to us.

    With the aim to raise public awareness and make people realize how impactful their behavior is on the planet they live on, each year, on the 22nd of April, people around the world celebrate Earth Day.


    Earth Day originally marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement.

    Earth Day originally marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement. It brings attention to many environmental issues such as climate change, global warming, soil corruption, deforestation, nuclear issues and others. It also reminds us that each of us can contribute to the protection of the environment in some way. There are many ways we can celebrate this international holiday. Here are some ideas you may find inspiring:

    • Planting a tree or wildflowers
    • Bringing nature to your garden and trying the organic vegetable garden
    • Spending a day riding your bike
    • Reducing, reusing and recycling
    • Joining the group that is focused on taking care of the environment
    • Eating organic food
    • Doing a small research and creating a plan how you can save and conserve energy and natural resources
    • Appreciating nature and being mindful that the planet Earth is our home and the only place we can live on.

    This year is dedicated to raising people's awareness about how damaging the impact of plastics is on the environment. All the plastic objects that we use and then discard have become a major problem that can have severe consequences on the natural environment. That is why this year is focused on ending plastic pollution and changing the people's mindset regarding the plastics used. There are many ways you can become the part of this change, from educational activities in schools worldwide and participating in clean-up efforts to recycling and avoiding plastic altogether.

    Being aware of the tremendous damage the plastics waste has on our planet, we are always focusing our efforts into building a sustainable workplace. We work near sunlit windows where we are exposed to maximum natural light. We keep things mostly digital with the aim to reduce the paper use. Also, we separate plastics in plastic waste recycle bins that are then taken to recycling centers.

    If we unite in this endeavour, and together promote eco-friendly workplace as well as the environment we are all part of, we will be the change. That's why we invite all other companies and industries to take a leading role in this global action.

    Here in Vega IT, we strongly believe that one needs to make a change to see a change. Inspired by the event, we decided to organize a small team building event on Stražilovo, Fruška Gora, and plant trees in order to contribute to the national reforestation efforts. We know that we ourselves cannot do wonders. But, we also know that if each of us does something for their environment, we can put environmental concerns on the front page and make the world become a greener place for the future generations.

    We invite all the people of good will to choose an outdoor activity related to the earth safely, go outside in the open air and give their support to this global effort.

    Let's help the world go greener!