The Winner of Vega IT’s MVP Award for the 2021: Kosta Kuprešak

When it comes to growth, it’s very important to stop and reflect on all the things you have accomplished from time to time. As a company we strive to encourage our colleagues to be the best versions of themselves on their road to professional and personal development, but also to remind them of everything they have achieved. One of the ways we do this is through Vega IT’s MVP program.
This is why we are happy to announce that this year’s Most Valuable Professional award goes to Kosta Kuprešak.
What Does MVP Award Mean to Kosta?
When Kosta was in a position to choose his future profession, IT attracted him because it provides a dynamic environment, where learning always continues. Today, as a software engineer he is aware that constant changes create great opportunities for progress. And this is his drive. With this in mind, Kosta explained how he views the MVP Award:
It turned out that the MVP activities were completely aligned with my planned career path. I saw them as the company's effort to support personal development and my contribution to the team. But, I must say that, this has never been my primary motivation to give the lecture, lead the workshop or do any other MVP activity.
The Journey Before The Award
Working on professional development requires dedication, commitment and getting out of the comfort zone. Here is how Kosta has described the whole journey which preceded the award:
The knowledge and experience gained by participating in all MVP activities is far more valuable than any reward. I met a lot of people, exchanged ideas, had discussions, and learned from them. I was challenging myself constantly. All that helped me become even better at what I do and made me look forward to every next activity.
The Most Inspiring MVP Activity
During 2021 Kosta has participated in many events, whether they are part of MVP program or not — from CSR activities such as GreenIT and Code For a Cause, to holding a lecture, taking part in organizing code crafting and leading a workshop.
So, when we asked him "What was your favorite activity?", he found it really hard to pick one:
If I had to single out one thing it would be student workshops. I know how much I enjoyed attending workshops as a student and how much it meant to me to learn from others. It inspired me to become a lecturer as good as the ones I used to learn from. Also, I must say that our students are extremely creative. They often come up with potential solutions I wouldn't have thought of myself. So, I also learned a lot!
Vega IT, A Place Where Learning Continuous
We are happy that Kosta and many others recognise IT as a world of possibilities and growth, and our company as a place where learning continues. Supporting the development of our colleagues is an important part of our company culture and we will always be looking for ways to offer various growth opportunities!
We hope that this story inspired you to make a plan for your professional growth in 2022 and we can’t wait to see the next MVP nominations!