International Conference on Happiness at work 2018

Maja Budinski Date 12-Feb-2018 4 minutes to read

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    According to the research carried out by the University of Warwick in the UK, happiness at work increases the overall productivity by 12 %. Now, while many may think that the main driver of happiness at work is a good pay and a list of perks, the equation is not that simple.

    While providing your employees with excellent working conditions, free food and gym facilities will definitely have a positive impact on the working atmosphere, it won't have a long-term effect. In other words, people must feel they are contributing to something significant and that they are part of something bigger than themselves to be truly happy at work. A sense of achievement and positive results are the things that count and the main factors for ensuring people's happiness.


    This year, in May, our CEO and strong supporter of the idea of creating a happier workplace Saša Popović will be giving a lecture named “Want a Happy Business? Make a Better World!” at the International Conference on happiness at work 2018.

    We believe that happiness at work is what keeps us going and makes our everyday efforts worthwhile. By creating a happier workplace, where everyone works on their own both personal and professional development, we will be able to help business thrive and add value to the community we live in. At the end of the day, if two-thirds of our lives we spend working, shouldn't we make sure that the work we do is also our source of happiness?

    Being the company which nurtures its values and focuses its attention on growing a happy team culture, we’ve participated in many workshops and have given many lectures on the topic of happiness at work.

    In 2016, we became partners with the company Woohoo inc. who gave us an unlimited online access to the materials and concepts that they have created and refined over the last 12 years regarding the topic of happiness at work.

    We have been great supporters of nurturing happiness at work for years and we have invested much of our time in creating a working environment where people can truly feel happy and fulfilled.

    Also, we have been doing a lot of research in the field of science of happiness, organized multiple workshops, given many internal lectures, and attended various knowledge-sharing events. In 2017, we attended the International conference about the happiness at work in Copenhagen, where we spent two awe-inspiring days gathering more valuable information on how to create a setting and culture where it’s easy to be happy at work.

    We are thrilled to say that this year, in May, we will be attending the International Conference on happiness at work 2018 and even more thrilled to announce that our CEO and strong supporter of the idea of creating a happier workplace Saša Popović will be giving a lecture named “Want a Happy Business? Make a Better World!”.

    At the conference, he will be sharing his insights on the many ways we’re making our colleagues happier, by involving them in creating a better world, including charity events, scholarships, funding drives and many others.

    Besides having a fantastic opportunity to share some of our knowledge and experience at the conference, we are also excited that we will be able to learn about the latest scientific studies, practical tools as well as hear about many concrete examples we can implement in our daily working practices.

    Making the world a happier place to live in is a long and a winding road with many challenges we need to learn how to overcome.

    But, we all know that the Rome wasn’t built in a day! It takes a lot of courage, creativity, and perseverance to jump all the hurdles on that road, and we know that the final outcome will be worth the effort because :

    “Our dream is to make a happy and successful business and use its success and power to create a better world.”

    Maja Budinski Social Media Manager

    Maja's passion is writing, she has a love for creativity and is always ready for new experiences. Yoga helps her unwind and find her daily dose of inspiration.