Have you ever thought of how much information is around you and how does it influence the organization of your life? Is it really possible to find truly important data in the sea of all that information, not letting the unimportant ones stray you away from your course? Efficiency and effectiveness, saving time and achieving goals were just some of the topics of the lecture "How to stay current" that our CTO, Boban Miksin, held at a recently organized Webiz conference.
Looking back at the fact that people are surrounded by a lot of information, in real life and via social networks, Boban explained that determining what is essential is hard to do. However, it is something that must be done.
-Being effective means you have directions in which you need to go. Being efficient means doing things in an optimal way. In the first place, you need to be effective, because efficiency will come through practice and discipline- said Boban.
He recalled how he sometimes had felt like an intruder among his friends who had been talking about topics that had been a part of their fields of interests. Hence, he tried to acquire knowledge about the fields his friends knew so much about, in order to have topics he could talk about with them. He realized that it was not possible, that you cannot know everything.
Boban Miksin, Software Arhitect
Effective and efficient way of working
06 Apr 2016
Have you ever thought of how much information is around you and how does it influence the organization of your life? Is it really possible to find truly important data in the sea of all that information, not letting the unimportant ones stray you away from your course? Efficiency and effectiveness, saving time and achieving goals were just some of the topics of the lecture "How to stay current" that our CTO, Boban Miksin, held at a recently organized Webiz conference.
Looking back at the fact that people are surrounded by a lot of information, in real life and via social networks, Boban explained that determining what is essential is hard to do. However, it is something that must be done.
-Being effective means you have directions in which you need to go. Being efficient means doing things in an optimal way. In the first place, you need to be effective, because efficiency will come through practice and discipline- said Boban.
He recalled how he sometimes had felt like an intruder among his friends who had been talking about topics that had been a part of their fields of interests. Hence, he tried to acquire knowledge about the fields his friends knew so much about, in order to have topics he could talk about with them. He realized that it was not possible, that you cannot know everything.