GreenIT 02: Update

Maja Misovic Date 23-Apr-2020 4 minutes to read

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    Have you been impatiently waiting for April, the Earth Day and GreenIT 02? We hope you have. We have been also eagerly looking forward to this amazing opportunity to gather together and make our community go greener.

    Due to the pandemic outbreak, together with our GreenIT partners from Eko Kurir organisation, we decided to reschedule the campaign “GreenIT 02” for the 21st of November.

    How Did “GreenIT 02” Campaign Start?

    Last year, during “GreenIT 2019” we planted 86 trees at Primary School Marija Trandafil! Over 100 eco-enthusiast from 15 Green Heroes companies supported this project. With GreenIT 02 we want to go one step further. We want to raise environmental awareness to involve even more people into the project and increase the number of GreenIT locations.

    What Did We Do First?

    We researched and we found out that a lot of public kindergartens’ yards in Novi Sad aren’t green enough. But we didn’t know how to set the priorities. So, it crossed our minds that the best solution was to ask the community.

    More than 200 parents, eco-enthusiasts, neighbours, teachers, and people who work at local state kindergartens suggested that 27 locations should be greener. Again we needed their help to tell us what the priorities were and where we should start.


    Save the date for GreenIT 02

    What Are “GreenIT 02” Priorities?

    GreenIT team put the kindergartens’ list on voting on Facebook. During 5 days, thousands of people voted and did their best to help and be a part of a change. By joining their forces together they will contribute to a greener and healthier environment for their children.

    Thanks to the parents, grandparents, relatives, neighbours, friends, and eco-enthusiasts the “GreenIT 02” phase #2 was closed with an enormous number of 22.375 votes.

    Here you can find how they voted:

    1. “Kolibri” at Banatić
    2. “Vendi” at Novo naselje
    3. “Bambi” at Salajka
    4. “Čigra” in Petrovaradin
    5. “Maslačak” at Liman 3
    6. “Veverica” at Podbara
    7. “Čuperak” at Rotkvarija
    8. “Različak” at Liman 3
    9. “Guliver” at Novo naselje
    10. “Švrća” at Telep
    11. “Kalimero” at Liman 2
    12. “Veseli vrtić” at Liman 1
    13. “Cvrčak i mrav” at Detelinara
    14. “Cvrčak” in Petrovaradin
    15. “Veseli vozić” at Avijatičarsko naselje
    16. “Pužić” at Telep
    17. “Vilenjak” in the Old Town
    18. “Novosađanče” at Liman 4
    19. “Dunavski cvet” atTelep
    20. “Suncokret” at Grbavica
    21. “Svitac” at Bistrica
    22. “Zlatna ribica” at Sajmište
    23. “Vidovdanski zvončić” at Klisa
    24. “Veseljko” at Grbavica
    25. “Zlatna greda” in the city center
    26. “Sunce” at Banatić
    27. “Milan Petrović” at Grbavica

    * The institution “Radosno Detinjstvo”, which is in charge of public kindergartens in Novi Sad, is going to confirm which kindergartens will go green.

    ** Vega IT and Eko Kurir claim rights to include an additional kindergarten whose surrounding area is not green enough.

    When Can You Expect the 3rd Phase?

    The next stage of “GreenIT 02” will start on the 1st of October. This is when we will invite other companies to participate in this tree-planting campaign. Besides their wish to help, dig, plant young trees, and invest their time, they will donate their resources that should help us buy more saplings.

    After this phase, we will know the exact number of saplings we are going to plant. In accordance with that and the voting priorities, we are going to announce how many kindergartens will go green on the 21st of November.

    Who Are Green Heroes?

    All of you who have supported this tree planting campaign and gave your votes for the local kindergartens are Green heroes. Also, all of the eco-savvy companies that have already shown their interest and goodwill to give their donations for saplings are Green heroes.

    It’s never late to make our environment go greener and improve both the life of our community and our children’s future.

    So, stay strong and be positive. The tree-planting project “GreenIT 02” is just a few months ahead of us!

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact us on greenit@vegaitsourcing.