Save the Date - GreenIT 02 - April 25th, 2020

Maja Misovic Date 28-Jan-2020 3 minutes to read

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    Have you always wanted to do something good for nature, but you didn’t know how? GreenIT 02 is a great opportunity to make your wish come true. At this event, you’ll have a chance to plant trees and strengthen the lung capacity of our planet.

    People worldwide celebrate Earth Day every year and we are going to join this initiative on Saturday the 25th of April and organise one more Green IT event. Eko Kurir, Vega IT, and all the enthusiasts eager to help will grab shovels, dig holes in the ground, and plant dozens of saplings.


    Get ready for GreenIT 02

    We are thrilled to announce that our second GreenIT action is getting started!

    This time we set a new goal - more GreenIT locations. In November last year, we managed to gather more than 100 people from 15 local companies and therefore encourage them to plant trees in the yard of Marija Trandafil Primary School in Veternik. Now, we believe that there are many people out there who would like to commit to the same social good - the greener environment.

    This time we are hitting the ground running in kindergarten yards.


    GreenIT at Marija Trandafil Primary School

    Here is the plan:

    Phase 1

    Open call to kindergartens in Novi Sad (from the 28th of January to the 28th of February)

    Phase 2

    Voting for a kindergarten whose yard isn't green enough (from the 9th of March to the 15th of March)
    - the 17th of March - Announcing which kindergartens will be GreenIT 02 locations

    Phase 3

    Open call to companies (from the 15th of March to the 15th of April)

    Phase 4

    Green IT 02 - Gathering in kindergarten yards; collecting saplings; digging holes; having fun; enjoying a team-building; putting smiles on children’s faces. (the 25th of April)


    Join us at Green IT 02

    If you already know which kindergartens in Novi Sad need more trees, feel free to forward contact to the employees of those kindergartens, parents, and everybody else who want to share their suggestions with us. We are looking forward to new proposals!

    Let’s gather together to make our community go greener!

    Maja Misovic Marketing Manager Assistant

    Maja’s biggest passion is to put her inspiration on a paper. Where does she find inspiring topics? People’s stories are an inexhaustible source for her creativity.