How we helped Doctari become a healthcare recruitment giant
Doctari aimed to integrate and optimize their system with Viantro — a matchmaking platform for doctors and clinics — that they previously acquired.

Doctari Group is a leading health tech company in Germany, building a system to support and empower clinics, care facilities, medical professionals and patients. In 2021, they acquired Viantro, a matchmaking platform that connects licensed, pre-qualified doctors and clinics.
The challenge: Integration, synchronization, and optimization
The initial goal was to integrate and synchronize Viantro’s platform, which we had previously helped optimize. Although similar, there was data mismatch and different mapping from one system to another. So, aligning the platforms and making data available, easily distributed, and used everywhere was essential. As well as taking on Doctari’s vision for a serverless application.

Doctari - Career platform for medical professionals and institutions
One unified, automated platform
Our work with Doctari helped them remain as the go-to career platform for medical professionals and institutions. The successful merger of the two platforms made it possible for users to access all data in one place; making the search for medical matches quicker and more efficient. We also helped optimize their now-unified platform to be fully automated, from manual processes to payroll. And, with more than 80% unit test coverage, we could freely and safely refactor the code.
Here’s how we got those results:
Integrating familiarity
We wanted to make sure the integration was as seamless as possible, with as little disruption to how people used the service. This meant integrating Viantro's platform with Doctari’s Salesforce solution. To do that, we used Kafka, making sure we kept every scrap of data and optimized the experience wherever possible.
Data matching
Our biggest challenge was data mismatch and mapping from one system to another. We added new functionalities to the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), helped realign the architecture of the pre-existing platform with the Doctari vision, and organized components in modules – using lazy loading whenever possible – to create smaller bundle sizes. We also used query caching and data validation to have as few API calls as possible.
Smoother searches
By improving the back-end side and the overall user experience, we were able to enhance the system and reduce its response time to a quarter of what it initially was.
By improving the back-end side and the overall user experience, we were able to enhance the system and reduce its response time to a quarter of what it initially was.
Why did Doctari acquire Viantro?
Doctari acquired Viantro for a very good reason: they were the most successful medical matchmaking platform in Germany. Thanks to our support, they were going from strength to strength. Read our case study to learn more about how we helped Viantro optimize their platform.
An insight into the technologies we used:
- Front-end side – HTML, CSS, Angular, NgRx library, and Angular material
- Testing – Karma and Jasmine
- Back-end side – Java, Spring Framework, Go, and Amazon Aurora Postgres
- Event stores – Apache Kafka and AWS CDK IaC(Infrastructure as Code) Framework
- Serverless compute service – AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and AWS CDK