A new partnership: Acquia - Vega IT

Maja Budinski Date 09-Feb-2018 3 minutes to read

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    As a company who is always navigating towards creating a happier and more productive environment where everyone will have the chance to show their true potential and contribute, we think that creating partnerships and expanding the community we work and live in is simply essential.


    Building good connections with companies worldwide does not only give us ability to exchange knowledge and experience but also to find better job opportunities and position ourselves in the top ranks of the world market.

    Recently, our three colleagues Stevan Kapičić, David Gabor and Miroslav Gaborov showed strong interest in taking part in Acquia Certification Program. They considered the program to be an ideal metric that will enable them to measure their own strengths and weaknesses. Finally, their effort was worthwhile and the outcome rewarding.

     For the reasons given, we decided to empower our circle of friends with one more partnership. Recently we became partners with Acquia - a leading cloud platform for building, delivering and optimizing digital experiences.

     Acquia Platform is a well-knowns software-as-a-service company that helps organizations realize the vision of personalized, contextual and real-time customer engagement for the right person, at the right time and on the right device. These experiences can be easily deployed and managed at scale, for one to thousands of sites, driving transformative business results at breakthrough speed.


    We are happy to be the part of Acquia Partner Program and to have the opportunity to contribute to the Drupal Community across the globe.

    We believe that nurturing partnerships alike will have an invaluable impact on business in general and that it will help deliver successful projects in the long run.

    Maja Budinski Social Media Manager

    Maja's passion is writing, she has a love for creativity and is always ready for new experiences. Yoga helps her unwind and find her daily dose of inspiration.