Happy Tester's Day

Maja Bozic Categories: Life At Vega IT Date 09-Sep-2016

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    According to the Computer History Museum, on September 9, 1947, American computer scientist and United States Navy Rear admiral Grace Murray Hopper recorded the first computer bug in history while working on the Harvard Mark II computer. The problem was traced to a moth stuck between a relay in the machine, which Hopper logged in Mark II's log book with the explanation: "First actual case of bug being found."

    So there you have it, folks. A momentous event deserves celebration and commemoration.

    How will you celebrate the Testers Day? With a cake? By finding a bug in Grace Hopper's honor?

    Be sure to let us know in the Comments below.

    In the meantime, be sure to give your colleague a high-five and wish them a Happy Tester's Day.

    Maja Bozic Partner and CSMO

    Maja's nonstandard approach to marketing has developed over the last half decade. She can hear the heart beat of the Internet.