Cheers to five and ten amazing years together!

Anđela Arsić Categories: Life At Vega IT Date 19-Jul-2022 3 minutes to read
5Years NEWS Najava Za Blog

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    From the very beginning, our desire has been to create a successful organization where people enjoy working.

    Today, 15 years later, 18 of our colleagues are celebrating 5 or 10 years in our company this year, and we believe that, in the coming years, that number will only increase. Hopefully, next year, we will celebrate the first 15th anniversary in our company! ;)

    Who celebrates their first five years in Vega IT?

    Five years ago, we couldn't have imagined where our company would now be, but we are more than happy to have been on that journey together.

    We want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you: Nebojša Popović, Petar Stošić, Milan Deket, Dragana Ludoški, Jovica Ostojić, Dragana Krstić, Nikola Nikolaš, Nenad Perčić, Dragana Kozomora, Božo Bjeković, Dragan Čačija, Marina Senjov Borić, Stefan Kalnak and Dušan Gojkov for your dedication and loyalty over the past five years. It's been a great journey so far and the best is yet to come!

    Some of our colleagues back then were in their student days, and one of them is Nenad Perčić:

    "My first encounter with Vega IT was during my studies, when I was one of the organizers of the KONTEH fair within the student organization EESTEC. I would say that, during that period, I already loved the cooperation with Maja Nedučić and Maja Božić and the energy they brought to each of the meetings. That feeling continues today - I've met a handful of new amazing people who are both good people and excellent engineers and experts, always ready to help others. During those five years, I have worked on various projects across industries and changed roles, which brought me to where I am today."

    Nenad has gone from being a student to being one of the partners in the Vega IT company, a development lead and someone who is the go-to person for many colleagues. We asked Nenad how he sees the company in the next 5 years, and here is what he said: "I see Vega IT as a place where we continue to create and find equally great opportunities for all of our colleagues as well as those who are about to join us in future.. as a development lead, I would like to help my colleagues find what motivates and fulfills them, so that they can be satisfied with themselves first, and motivate others to give their best and feel great at work.." We couldn't agree more with you Nenad.

    And some stories started much earlier

    You know what they say - time flies when you're having fun. And indeed, we have had a lot of fun together for the past 10 years. But we also grew together and created a company culture where we support and inspire each other. Thank you Nemanja Maločić, Tijana Bašić, Lidija Šegrt and Srđan Dejanović for all of that, and for everything else you have done and still continue to do.

    We asked Tijana Bašić to reflect on the past ten years and here is what she said:

    “If you had told me that I was going to get something I really wanted in ten years, it would have sounded like it was never going to happen. Back then, it seemed so far away!

    However, it feels like it was last year when I came to Vega IT and spent my first day setting up my PC. I remember I had very intense headache pain that day and I was hoping that it wasn't some kind of a bad sign. I had to ask myself "Should I run away?". But I stayed. And not only that I stayed - I stayed here for 10 years! And counting…

    That decade was filled with a lot of gained knowledge, experiences, amazing hours with colleagues, business trips, deadlines, happy clients, stress (well, of course, there was some stress as well), happiness, beers… I joined Vega IT with previous working experience that taught me some important business skills but I feel like I actually grew up here, together with my orange team. I had a chance to work together with my best friend, make some new great friendships, and learn, teach and code some awesome things.

    Now when I step back and take a look at how huge, known (or should I say famous?) and how important Vega IT became, I'm really proud that I have been a part of that journey almost from the beginning. During all these years, so many great things have happened and I am thankful to Vega IT for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this experience. Here are a few most memorable ones:

    • Speaking about my dog at our official internal "STAR Conference" as a fake mystery speaker
    • Trying to help me find a boyfriend by publishing my acceptance criteria,
    • Supporting my idea to have the company magazine "Happiness Central" so that we can pretend to be journalists every month

    Now, I'm looking forward to seeing what else we are going to achieve together.”

    Dear colleagues, these 5 and 10 years are only the beginning. Let’s celebrate many more together in the bright future that awaits us! Cheers to new victories!

    As we celebrate this huge milestone for all of us, we cannot help but wonder whose stories we will be writing in the next 5 or 10 years. We invite you to check out our Career page and join us on this journey! ;)