All You Need to Know About Doing Vega IT Internship From Home

Maja Misovic Date 22-May-2020 4 minutes to read

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    Have you been thinking of applying for an internship, but you haven’t done it due to the current situation? You might be wondering whether our call for interns is still open. Vega IT is a place where learning continues, which means that we are always happy to share our knowledge with Front-end and Backend interns. That’s why we would like to share with you what it was like to have an offline and online Front-end internship for Igor Gvozden.

    Read the interview below and find out the details about the application, Igor’s relationship with his mentor, how to understand a code review after each completed assignment, and everything else that helped Igor improve his knowledge.


    You might be wondering whether our call for interns is still open

    Where did you hear about Vega IT internship, and how did you decide to apply?

    I was at a meetup about IT internships at Startit. Back in those days, I didn’t plan to apply for an internship. I thought that I should work more on my own and give it a try when I feel more confident. However, after the presentation given by one of Vega IT’s founders, I decided to send my CV.

    People usually have trouble writing a good CV. What about you? Where did you find some useful tips and tricks?

    I have to admit that my CV was terrible. As I’ve just said, at that very moment, I didn't plan to start applying for internships at all. I felt I needed some more time. However, after that event, a few of Saša's sentences kept ringing in my head, and I decided not to waste my time anymore. I sent my CV.

    I already had a CV so I just updated it a little bit. Still, I knew it wasn't good enough. The order of the information didn't follow any CV requirements. So, I don’t think that CV was the reason why Vega IT People Operations Team decided to proceed with my application. I guess this is the way the PO Team observed my application - "Ok. This guy sent us his CV. So he is eager to learn more. Let's give him a chance to complete a tech assignment. Afterwards, we will see if he has the right knowledge to do an internship."

    Why did you choose to apply for an internship at Vega IT?

    That wasn’t the only internship program I applied for. I must say I am thrilled by the fact that Vega IT was the only company which actually replied to my email. And not only that! I received the response in a heartbeat. Indeed everything was at its finest. Apart from Vega IT, I got just one more email from some other company saying that their internship capacities are full.

    Could you tell us some more details about the whole application procedure?

    I communicated with Marija from the PO team. She was very supportive because she explained to me all the details about a tech assignment. Again, I was astonished because Marija forwarded me the task very quickly. I did it from home, and there wasn't any time limit. As soon as I finished it, I sent it back. It approximately took me one week to do it.

    In two or three hours, Marija informed me that my work fulfilled their requirements and asked me if I could start my internship.


    Vega It internship lasts for three weeks

    So, you didn’t have an interview, did you?

    Nope, I didn't. From my point of view, most people in the IT world are introverts. Not having an interview is therefore quite convenient because candidates don't have to come to the company and feel stressed. Also, you don’t have to waste your time going to the company and meeting the relevant people in person. The whole communication happens in just a few emails which is great.

    I shared my impressions with Marija at the end of the internship. At Vega IT, everything was even better than I could have imagined.

    How did you spend your three weeks at Vega IT internship?

    When I arrived, Marija was waiting for me, and finally, we met in person. She showed me around, gave me my mentor's contact and soon after, Marina and I got acquainted. I worked on three different websites. The first was the simplest one. The following week I got a site that was a little bit more complex than the previous one. Finally, last week, I worked on a task that was the most complicated one.

    I had the opportunity to learn two more ways of writing projects I wasn't familiar with before. So, I saw how Vega IT front-end developers do it.

    Three weeks are enough to have a sneak peek into the methodology. However, it doesn’t take much time to master it, and it's not the purpose of the internship, so it's okay.

    The working environment is completely different than I expected it would be. Working in such a large and well-controlled environment was impressive.

    Which technologies did you work with?

    HTML, CSS, and a little bit of JavaScript. The thing I liked the most was that I learned a lot of different approaches on how to work in those technologies from Marina. For instance, I learned about a BEM writing style. That was the first time I heard of it. I instantly realised how logical it was and why so many developers use it at big companies.


    Start you career with an internship

    What value does the internship bring to you?

    The most valuable thing about my internship was Marina's navigation. We did it this way: I completed a segment, then I sent it to her, and she replied, "Okay. Let's try it the other way." That means that she taught me by giving me inputs that have broadened my horizons.

    What is the difference between an offline and an online internship?

    I spent the first two weeks in the office and the last week I worked from home. It wasn't any different. Everything was the same and I did my tasks without much difficulty. The only difference was that I worked on my laptop at home. At the company, I had a better computer and two screens, but that didn't distract me from my work.

    What would you recommend to people who are thinking about applying for an internship?

    They should apply! It’s an invaluable experience. Everything works so smoothly and the whole procedure is very well-organised. People without working experience like me don’t have any idea how it is to work in big systems until they enter that world. The instructions and the feedback I received during the program mean a great deal to me.

    Maja Misovic Marketing Manager Assistant

    Maja’s biggest passion is to put her inspiration on a paper. Where does she find inspiring topics? People’s stories are an inexhaustible source for her creativity.