Race for children's smile

As of March 2nd till the end of the day on March 15th, help our colleague Nemanja Maločić to collect 500 likes on his photo at our Facebook page because he will run 11km the race for children's smile.
He made a bet with our boss, Saša Popović, that he can collect 500 likes on his photo and if he does, our company will donate 25000,00 RSD to charity, in particular to children's safe house in Novi Sad.
If Nemanja collects 1000 likes on his photo, we have agreed that 5 more people from our company will participate in the race too, and we will bring some clothes and sweets for the children.
Only the likes on the photo at our Vega IT page will count.
We invite you to support and join the Athletic cross Novi Sad - Race for children's smile that will be held on Sunday, March 22nd, 2015, in Novi Sad (Sremska Kamenica). The event is organized by Goran Vendlenera, in cooperation with the Athletic Club Apatin.
There will be two tracks. The first one will be 4,5 km long and the second one will be 11 kilometers long.
You can find more information about the race and registration at: http://www.trcanje.rs/trke/trcite-za-deciji-osmeh-prijavite-se-za-humanitarnu-trku/.
See you all there.