Code for cause - open call for IT enthusiasts

Maja Colak Date 08-Aug-2017 3 minutes to read

Table of contents

    First, thanks to all those who contributed by voting for the projects during our second phase. Since it was officially finished Sunday 06.08. now it is time to announce the list of the projects that we will try to realize this September.

    Before we dive into the description of the 5 projects that got most Facebook reactions, we would like to remind you of what Code for cause is all about. We strongly believe that coding can move us and make changes bigger than ourselves. And doing so for a cause can help us feel fulfilled and realize the importance of the role we all play in the development of our community.


    CIty of Novi Sad

    And now, without any further ado we present to you the projects:

    Renewing the database of rare diseases

    Problem: The information about rare diseases is not easily available in Serbian and the connection between patients and medical specialist who might be able to help them is rather weak.

    The goal: Rising awareness on the importance and occurrence of rare diseases in Serbia while inviting all of the interested parties to use the world's database on rare diseases.

    Pet friendly City

    Problem: Non-existing website with adequate info about existing Pet friendly facilities and how certain facilities can become Pet Friendly.

    The goal: Mapping the places in Novi Sad that are Pet friendly, while also providing useful info so ultimately more and more facilities become places where people can come in with their pets.

    On wheels

    Problem: Lack of application providing practical and service info for bicycle, roller and scooter riders.

    The goal: Providing service and practical info for people who do not use motor vehicles as their means of transportation. This could also help introduce this sort of traffic.

    GSP app

    Problem: Lack of information regarding public bus transportation, there is no clear and descriptive map of all bus stations, no proper info on waiting times, timetables, etc.

    The goal: To make bus public transportation easier by using a mobile app designed to track the arrival times of the buses to a specific station.  

    Post a problem

    Problem: Our citizens are quite passive when it comes to reporting problems in our city, all due to the complicated and long process it all entails.

    The goal: Encouraging the citizens of Novi Sad to actively get involved in solving the problems our city has as well as enabling the services in charge to receive the proper information in a timely fashion.

    The third phase begins on 9th of August and we invite designers to apply and help us visualize the projects. The call for designers is open until 17th of August, while the call for all others who can contribute in any way - mentors  (senior developers), project managers, front-end and back-end developers - is open until 1st of September. We will respond to all applicants in a timely manner, but only a certain number of enthusiasts will be accepted. 

    Follow the  link and submit your application.

    For any further questions you might have, please do not hesitate to contact us.