Code for a Cause 4: Non-Profit Organisations, Submit Your Ideas!

It’s official! We are entering the first phase of our socially-responsible campaign Code for a Cause (“Programeri za građane”).

Code for a Cause 4: Submit your ideas
Once again, we are inviting non-profit organisations from Serbia to get involved and let us know what problems can be solved with custom software solutions.
What Are the Important Things to Know About the Phase #1?
Even though the digital era has brought many advances to modern day living, there are still many issues that different communities in our country are facing almost every day.
That’s why the theme of this year’s campaign is helping non-profit and NGOs digitalise their work.
From today until the 14th of June we invite you to fill out this easy form SUBMIT YOUR PROJECT IDEA, and get ready for a few exciting months to follow!
Who Can Apply and Which Types of Projects Will Be Considered?
This year, we will take all the projects submitted by NGO and non-profit organisations from the entire country into consideration.
We are looking for projects whose goal is to improve the quality of life for our citizens, and which will remain free to use in the future.
Ideal projects for hackathon:
- Mobile applications
- Website for your organisation
- Software that will make lives of your community members easier
- Software that will raise the community’s awareness of a particular issue
During the past three campaigns, we created mobile applications, websites, web applications and internal software solutions.
What’s Next?
On the 14th of June at 12PM we will close the application form and analyse the requirements of each project with our team. We will look for the projects that can be completed by a team of engineers in 48 hours.
Once we select the projects, we will invite the public to vote for the solutions they feel will have the biggest impact on society.
The voting will take place from the 21st of June to the 25th of June at 12 PM on our Facebook page.
When the public helps us determine priorities, we will invite other IT companies and design agencies to join the Code for a Cause 4 campaign and help us work on as many projects as possible.
After completing the project, we will transfer the ownership of the project to the idea initiators, as well as the original source code.
*As event organisers, Vega IT claims the right to include an additional project after the public voting. We are also committed to finishing all the projects from the hackathon that we take responsibility for.
If you have any questions before submitting your idea, write to us at We look forward to hearing from you!