Code for a Cause 3: Get Ready to Vote

The previous few weeks of Code for a Cause 3 campaign were simply amazing! We are truly impressed by the quality of ideas we have received during the first phase.
When we started this campaign three years ago, we believed that there are like-minded people in our community, who want to be a part of positive changes in our city. This year, for the third time this proved to be right!
We would like to say a big Thank You to all of you enthusiasts who submitted inspirational ideas! Now we are ready to move to phase #2: The Voting. :-)

What Should You Know about Voting for CFAC3?
What Should You Know about Voting for CFAC3?
After our colleagues have analysed the ins and outs of all the submitted ideas, they have chosen 17 projects that can move to the second phase. Brace yourself for phase #2 because now, we need YOUR help! You get to decide which projects will have the biggest impact on our local community.
The voting will start on Monday, July the 22nd, on our Facebook page, and it will finish on Sunday, July the 28th at 23:59 CET.
Like in the previous years, we have kept the rules rather simple: Give your vote by liking the project’s photo or by leaving a comment below the image which represents that particular project.
What Are the Chosen Projects at CFAC3?
This year we broke the record in the number of the submitted ideas! After meeting with all the idea initiators, we analysed the requirements of all the projects. And, now we present you the projects that can be completed during the last phase of the campaign - 48-hours-long Hackathon:
- A Web application for providing information and support to the people suffering from HIV (the Association “Red line” and “Youth of Jazas”)
- A website for the City Library in Novi Sad (City Library of Novi Sad)
- Improvement of the map of shareable and solidary Novi Sad ("The Urban Regenerative Sustainability Center”)
- The calendar of cultural events in Novi Sad (Novi Sad 2021 - European Capital of Culture)
- The Platform for Artist Base (Novi Sad 2021 - European Capital of Culture)
- Website “Good People” (“the Center for Social Inclusion”)
- Website for “Novo kulturno naselje” (the Association “Novo kulturno naselje”)
- An online volunteer booklet (Novi Sad 2021 - European Capital of Culture)
- A website for the association "Mileva Maric Ajnstajn" (the association "Mileva Maric Ajnstajn")
- A website for a Japanese Serbian Film Festival (the association “JSFF”)
- A website for the association of deaf and deafish people of Vojvodina province (“the association of deaf and deafish people of Vojvodina province”)
- A mobile application for the Nature of Vojvodina (“Institute for nature conservation of Vojvodina province”)
- The program for coordination of the usage of the space and the equipment owned by cultural stations ("Novi Sad 2021 - European Capital of Culture”)
- A website for the association “Patria” (the association of citizens “Patria”)
- A mobile application for Youth Newspaper (“Youth Newspaper”)
- A website for Vojvodina Center of Human Rights (the association “Vojvodina Center of Human Rights)
- A web application “Ne radi se, čoveče” (the association “Prevent”)
Can you vote for more than one project? Of course! You can vote for as many projects as you want. ;-)
What Will Happen After the Voting Phase?
On Wednesday, July the 31s,t we will announce the projects with the highest number of votes on our Facebook page.
Afterwards, it’s time for CFAC phase three! We will send an open call for all design companies and design enthusiasts to join us and work together with the organisations in order to create functional designs for the much-needed website or a mobile application.
Let’s join our strengths and skills and be the change we wish to see in the world!
*Vega IT claims rights to include an additional project idea which we believe will improve the well-being of the community we live in.