Charity Streetball IT tournament

Maja Bozic Categories: Corporate Social Responsibility Date 26-Nov-2014
Osmeh Na Dar 500X500

Table of contents

    You are invited to participate in a charity streetball IT tournament.

    Streetball is a variation of outdoor basketball, with 3 vs 3 players. The event will take place on Saturday, 06.12., starting at 16:00 on the courts near Hotel Park (sports center Bins). Registration fee is 5000,00 RSD in cash. Each company may register more than one team, and it should be borne in mind that the registration fee is paid per company and not the number of registered teams. The money collected from the registration fees will be used to cover the cost of medals, referees, renting courts and the remaining amount will be donated to charity.

    The cause of the tournament is to help a charity non-profit organization called "Osmeh na dar" ("Smile as a gift"). The collected funds will be used to purchase New Year's Day gifts for poor children, ill children and children without parents. The participants in the tournament, as well as fans, will also have the opportunity to make their contribution in candy, toys or money during the tournament, though none of the mentioned is compulsory.

    Let's do a good deed. Things that mean little to us may mean a lot to someone else.

    In order to facilitate the organization of this event, please register your team by Monday, 01.12., via e-mail to